Here are some "Home Remedies for Toothache" that i have collected from different sources. I hope this will help you all.
Home Remedies for Toothache
"Never use any home remedy or other self treatment without being advised to do so by a physician."
- There is a powder form pain releiver called BC Powder, the powder does not taste that great but if you have a tootache this is a great otc remedy.However for toothaches one of the fastest remedies I know is to take 2 BC powders along with a shot of Gin, hold it in your mouth so the solution is resting on the sore tooth for about 30sec-1min. More than likley your sore throbbing tooth will be nomore in about 45 secounds.
- Undiluted clove oil through a tiny nozzled plastic syringe and take an anti-inflammatory/pain reliever.
- To ease pain from a toothache place either ground clove or pure food grade clove oil on the affected tooth. This has worked better than Vicodin to relieve pain from a toothache.
- I woke up this morning with the worst ache from a back tooth cavity ever!! I also tried to get some sleep but couldnt, since it hurt so bad. So, I tried placing some Oregano flakes on my tooth like I did last year, and I feel NOTHING right now. Last time I tried it, I was able to eat and drink for FIVE DAYS with NO PAIN!! I also mixed warm water, salt and Oregano in a cup and swished that, It helps for about the same length of time as well. Hope this helps. Believe me, if no one knows how worse that cavity pain is, I do.
- The best thing I have found to use for tooth ache pain is Hurricaine gel. It is a topical anestetic, just like the dentist use just before giving you a novocain shot. Best of all you do not have to use a lot of the gel to kill the pain and it lasts for hours. This can be purchased at any pharmacy without a RX. Hurricaine Gel comes in different flavors, however I have found that the original without flavor is better and does not taste bad at all. The anesthesia is accomplished within 15-30 seconds. Now that is fast!! Hurricaine Gel can also be used for Cold Sores, cuts in gums due to braces, loose teeth, etc.
- This sounds crazy but nothing else was working for me anymore - peanut butter! I think it must have something to do with the oils in it. I put a dab on the gum by the tooth and almost right away the pressure and pain stopped.
- Everyone was saying that vanilla or almond extract works, so I went to my cabinets and all I had was Pure Lemon Extract... It really worked wonders!! Just be careful because it burns. But it has 84% alcohol..... more than the other two, and it worked instantly!! Putting Goody Powders or BC's on a toothache also works, but only for a little while and it makes the inside of your mouth raw also if you use it too much
- Dab a Q-Tip in your favorite alcohol or whiskey, then apply to the painful area until the pain subsides.
- To get rid of a tooth ache almost instantly, mix two table spoons of baking soda in a glass of water.leave in your mouth for a couple seconds then spit out.Do this until all the mixture is gone.
- baking soda and water..its the only thing that works..forget cloves..forget anbesol..forget tylenol and advil..(of course its best to go see your dentist)
Home Remedies For Toothache
- O.T.C. medicine called 'Red Cross'.The only over the counter medicine that has worked for me.It's a 3 part kit for about $4.00 consisting of a small vile with a liquid,a pack of miniture cotton balls,and a pair of off-set tweezers.THIS STUFF WORKS!!! My dentist refers to it as a root canal in a bottle.Instant relief.I hope this advice helps many as it helped me.
- I have been taking ibuprofen for tootheache pain. At first a double dose was necessary, but once the pain subsided, a single dose every three or four hours was sufficient. I also tried the peroxide rinse one night when out of ibuprofen followed by a warm saltwater rinse then put ice in a dishtowel and held it to my palm and cheek simultaneously. Obviously I was desparate and in much pain. My pain did go away in a few minutes after the rinse but started to return so I resorted to the ice. Between the two remedies something worked because my intense pain as gone.
- Oral Pain Reliever
well it worked for me. thought I'd share.
- Try taking one naproxin sodium and one extra stregnth tyenol. It helps alot without drowsiness.
- ok so I've been dying with tooth pain-- seriously no joke. I was ready to take pliers and pull the tooth out.
- I tried the clove oil and it didn't really help and it tasted GROSS. however, vanilla seems to be working fine. Now I don't know if it's the vanilla in conjunction with the tylonel but it's helping, i think.
- Just dip a q-tip in vanilla and place the q-tip on top of the tooth that's hurting and just keep it there...
- The best remedy for a toothache is pure vanilla extract placed directly on the bad tooth. It's instant relief. The taste is terrible, but it works.
- For a tooth ache.....this worked wonders after an excruciating night and day of pain. Get some....get ready for this VINEGAR!!!! About 1/2 cup with about 1 tablespoon of salt (do not swallow), warm it up and swoosh around the effected area, within seconds it will numb the pain all the way out!!!!
Toothache Picture
- Baking Soda is VERY effective in pain relief. Get a cup of mildly warm water (extreme cold/hot can further irritate the nerve) and scoup several teaspoons of Baking Soda.
It will provide astonishing relief when everything else has failed.
Pure clove oil is another good remedy.
- After a few years of not seeing a dentist due to a bad experience with one, I had some major need for a couple of root canals. After my first visit I was in some major pain. I took 800mg of Ibuprofen, used the hot rice in sock and swished with Listerene. After a little while, it truely helped. I was able to fall asleep. I will definately continue back to dentist, I don't ever want to feel this pain again.
- Try pouring hydrogen peroxide on the tooth that is hurting. It stings for a minute then goes away.
Home Remedies for Toothache
- I have used Caffeine Free Diet Coke to help soothe a really bad toothe ache. And, that has seemed to ease the pain. In fact my own Dentist has even recommeneded that as a home remedy. There is something in COKE SYRUP believe it or not that has healing qualities to it. We used to use COKE SYRPUP for a number of ailments when I was a little child. COKE SYRUP or COKE as in Coca Cola. It's relieving and the pain isn't as unbarable.
- I used warm salt water to relieve tooth pain, table salt in warm water!
It worked long enough for the advil
to take effect
- if you are an adult and you happen to have any whisky around then dip a cotten swab in the whisky and apply directly to thesore tooth . it will sting at first but it will help the pain and numb the spot . do not drink it just every few hours apply with cotton swap .
It's 90% alcohol, but it's abilities as a pain reliever are amazing.
I had a toothache that was getting worse and worse, and I could not sleep. My Chinese wife placed some propolis on a cotton swab and told me to apply it to the tooth.
I did, and the pain was gone within about 5 minutes, and the relief let me sleep all night long.
That tooth has worsened now, and my propolis supply needs to be replenished, but if you can get your hands on some propolis, it's probably a good thing to keep 'on hand'.
Michael sends from China
P.S. I will try some of the other remedies on this site. Thanks to everyone for their information, methods, and of course, comments!!
- The very best thing that worked for me for my toothache, and believe me, it was the worst toothache I had ever had. Was Sensodine toothpaste, I thought it was a fluke, but my brother in law told me it worked for him. Nothing would even touch the pain, so I thought I had nothing to loose.
The peroxide worked for about 15 minutes, I also tried anbesol (a whole bottle in one evening)tried pure peppermint extract (worked for about an hour) I tried all 3 combined. Nothing would give me any kind of lasting relief.
I cannot take regular pain killers because of a medicine sensitivity. I have neglected my teeth for years because of a fear of the dentist.
Not only did one of my teeth hurt, but 4 of them at one time. I have never experienced such pain, I couldn't even tell you my own name.
The Sensodine toothpaste, took the pain almost all away the first time I used it, and I continued to use as directed, it has been one week and I am pain free.
I hope this will help someone else, because it surely was a blessing to me.
Toothache pain relief.
I used it for wisdom teeth pain relief, for years. These teeth hurt even if they are not decayed or have any cavities - because of the way they grow in the gum, and the roots hit the bone. I was able to put off the extraction for years.
- 1) Clean you mouth thoroughly. Brush teeth / floss - including tongue; rinse with salty solution – 1 spoon of sea salt to a glass of warm water.
- 2) Using a teaspoon, apply half or a full teaspoon of sea salt on top and around the tooth that hurts. Just the salt, not watered down. Leave it for 2-5 minutes. (this is going to clean the area of harmful bacteria, and draw out of the gum inflammation). At the end you will see the gum being a bit lighter in color. Do this one or twice a day.
- 3) Using a dropper, apply just a bit of tincture (I use one with antiseptic properties such propolis or Echinacea); this achieves a two pronged attach - the alcohol numbs the pain while the propolis or Echinacea absorbed through the gum fights infection (no matter how small).
You will feel better, the tooth will bear a delay in dental appointment.
If you do not want the dental work on the tooth right away, and the decay is small and kept at bay this could postpone the trip to the dentist.
Some forms of decay can actually rebuild back the enamel if the proper mouth hygiene is kept long enough.
- I'm no baby, I deal with constant tooth pain--several teeth that need work-- but there comes a time when the infection gets so bad that you have to do something.
Here are a few things that have worked for me from time to time. None of them last for weeks, but they help until you can get to a dentist or emergency room for pain meds.
First is the asprin. Placing one on the tooth/infected area will bring down fever and swelling that results from infection. Take caution, however, using this method in excess will eat away at the enamel of your tooth and cause small ulcers on gums and inner cheek.
Second is the Ibuproferin. My dentist informed me that I could take three regular strength tabs. at the time, six hours apart. Try to take them on an empty stomach (work faster), and wait half an hour before eating.
Maximum Strength liquid ambesol works well for a few moments. (sometimes long enough to fall asleep, after tossing and turning.) My tooth is decayed and infected a great deal, so it felt as though it was burning for a moment. When the burning feeling went away, I spit it out. The Numbness lasted about eight mins.
Wrinsing with either Peroxide (follow instructions on bottle) or warm salt water (make the salt water as hot as you can stand it, and disolve as much salt as will melt into the water.... maybe add a bit more) works well, too. After the salt water, I sometimes have to use an ice pack on my cheek, but it does help kill the infection. Also, Cepacol mouth wash helps at times.
A crushed clove of garlic helps me when it seems that even the Ibuproferin will not. When the infection builds up a tollerance to almost everything else I can throw at it (w/o a doctor), I pack that side of my mouth with a couple crushed cloves of garlic. You may want to cut them in half, and press them into cavities. The Juices from the garlic are natural antibiotics. It may taste and smell pretty strong, but if you brave it, you'll feel much better.
Wrinsing with either Peroxide (follow instructions on bottle) or warm salt water (make the salt water as hot as you can stand it, and disolve as much salt as will melt into the water.... maybe add a bit more) works well, too. After the salt water, I sometimes have to use an ice pack on my cheek, but it does help kill the infection. Also, Cepacol mouth wash helps at times.
A crushed clove of garlic helps me when it seems that even the Ibuproferin will not. When the infection builds up a tollerance to almost everything else I can throw at it (w/o a doctor), I pack that side of my mouth with a couple crushed cloves of garlic. You may want to cut them in half, and press them into cavities. The Juices from the garlic are natural antibiotics. It may taste and smell pretty strong, but if you brave it, you'll feel much better.
Beware, if the infection is extremely bad, sometimes small bumps will swell up on the gums and inner cheek. They are much less painful than the infection that was there before. My Filipino Mother-In-Law offered this advice after I'd spent three days out of work with a tooth ache that had me rolling in bed at night and crying all day, clawing at my cheek... Trust me, I've been there.
I also have not been sleeping since Monday. I hope to do so as soon as I get out of work today. Thanks for all of your advice. It is great to know we can help each other.
- I have been in a lot of pain since Monday with a back tooth that I cracked on a pretzel. I also have a horrible cold (could potentially be sinuses). I am hoping the pain is more from sinuses than my tooth. However, I have tried tons of ibuprofen and the pain remains with no sleep. I have taken 2400 mg since 2 this morning. Not all at once, 800 mg at a time. I have been taking ibuprofen at the same dose since Monday with no relief. Today I decided to heat up my mixture of 60 oz. distilled water, 1 dandellion root tea bag, 1 tbsp. of sugar free cranberry juice and 2 tbsp. of lemon juice. You can find the directions listed here: Anyway, I drink about 16 oz. at a time throughout the whole day. The pain was so bad just to sip it at room temperature. I microwaved it for about 1 1/2 minutes. Not too hot because that will hurt too. I used a smaller microwave, so a larger (better) one might need just 45 sec. to a minute. Believe it or not, the pain has subsided drastically.
I also have not been sleeping since Monday. I hope to do so as soon as I get out of work today. Thanks for all of your advice. It is great to know we can help each other.
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If you want to cure your tooth pain. You have to take a big jug put some boiled water in it then add some salt in it. Mix it. Then pour it to the teeth which are paining. Don't drink it keep it on your teeth for some time then spit the saltwater. If there is plenty of saltwater left? Then use it again and again until the jug empty. This saltwater remedy will kill the bacteria. Repeat the same procedure again incase of toothache! This is an easy way to cure teeth pain.
For severe toothache from a gum infection, make a tincture using tea tree oil, clove, cayenne & peppermint. Apply with a Q-tip as often as necessary. This kills the pain instantly and helps to heal the afflicted area. All the ingredients have anti-bacterial & antiseptic properties. I also took zinc, echanacea, magnesium, vit C. These 2 remedies help for sore throats too. If you get a toothache when you're stuck at work, etc., take a pinch of salt and apply directly to the painful area. This really works until you can get to the dentist. About 7 years ago, my dentist prescribed anti-biotics & vicodin for a gum infection which didn't fix the problem completely. After a week of "conventional treatment", it still hurt to chew & I had throbbing pain. I put crushed garlic compress on the affected area and used salt water rinses. I got immediate results. Then I started getting my teeth cleaned every 4 months, so thankfully, didn't lose my tooth. Then as fate would have it, I got a gum infection on the other side of my mouth (top molar) about 2 weeks ago (talk about bad karma) and followed my dentist's instructions: anti-biotics & vicodin. This time, I found no relief from conventional medicine & thought I'd have to have this tooth extracted. I tried the above remedy (tincture), and then chewed fresh garlic (when I was able to chew on that side) and I am overjoyed to report that all pain\infection is completely gone. I had forgotten what normal felt like, wow, what a relief! And, most importantly, will not have to get my tooth extracted.
Rub tooth with alcohol for about five minutes and quickly relieves the pain, "don't swallow"
You may find yourself unable to go to the dentist for a few days while suffering from a vicious toothache. I have found that gargling with Lysterine provides some measure of relief. Swish the stuff around the offending tooth, gently at first, then vigorously. Endure the pain which comes with doing this. Repeat, as many as four times. Even warm salt water will relieve the pain, brush your teeth for a good ten minutes, helps a lot.
Instead of paying 4,000 to a dentist, I tried these ingredients. You will need listerine, baking soda, peroxide, toothpaste, water and tooth brush. Rinse mouth with listerine, brush, use a solution of half water half peroxide rinse (well) this acts as an oral deriding agent, just don't swallow it as it will bubble. If you’re a smoker you will also clean the nicotine off your tongue. Oxygen whitens the teeth and cleans your mouth and peroxide works wonders for 50 cents a bottle. Next, rinse with water. Now brush your teeth. Depending on how bad your periodontist is, this may increase tenderness in your gums-brush with the baking soda. Use a wet toothbrush and dip it in the box-practice will ensure it stays on the brush. It will taste salty. Now rinse with listerine-this will more then likely burn, (a lot) but if your gums are bleeding you now have access to all that nasty plaque hiding under your gums. Irrigate them by following these steps each day or twice a day until your gums are no longer swollen or you see a dentist. Peroxide that sits on the gums for long periods of time such as with whitening treatments are not good for your gums. That's why strips fit on the teeth save your money and rinse with peroxide instead. rinse, rinse and rinse. If this doesn't cure the infection you might save money by the time you get to the dentist.
Carious teeth are prevented by drinking lots of water. After every snack make sure that you drink at least half to one cup of glass. This will ensure that whatever food is stuck on the teeth is flushed away. Also use fluoridated floss to prevent tooth decay. Children could use fluoridated tooth paste after three years of age. Fluoride gel is recommended by dentists. If tooth decay is already present please go the dentist and do the fillings before the pain starts.
antibiotics are only for infection, use pain killers,
bt i advice u to go to a detist rather than using a home medication, cause though the pain may be supressed , the infection may worsen.
Get a washcloth or bag, and put a few cubes of ice in it. Put the bag or washcloth with the ice on the outside of your cheek, on the toothache, you will feel better.
Buy whole FIGS and milk at the grocery. Boil the milk in a sauce pan,then add the figs.Once the figs soak up the hot milk. put them in a bowl with a little milk and place the figs in your mouth over the infected tooth and hold. the fig will pull the infection out. This one is an old turkish remedy my boyfriends aunt showed me.
Take clean sock, a childs sock works best. Fill the foot with salt and tie the top off. Place it in the microwave for about 60 seconds and place the heated sock on the outside where the pain is. The heat will soothe the pain.
I broke my back tooth last week and have been in severe pain!!
I went immedaitely to the emergency room after I had broken my tooth & they gave me penicillin for the swelling & infection (oh, I forgot to mention that the side of my face was a balloon)and naproxen for the pain (which did NOTHING) I began to rinse my mouth with Peroxide & water & that immediately made the swelling go down & eased the pain. Well, a week later, the pain has come back with avengence.
I have already tried Ibuprofen, Tylenol extra strength, salt water rinse & peroxide....and nothing. So, i came across this site & tried the vanilla extract & it actually works! Not 100% But enough to relieve the tears & try to get a good nite's sleep!
Thank you all so much for your advice....I'm on my way to walgreen's to get the red cross stuff, too!!
I was reading all of the different remedies for tooth pain. I saw one for peanut butter. I thought how strange but being in SO MUCH PAIN I tried it. Much to my happiness IT WORKS!! just a dab on your gum by the infected tooth. it may take a couple of times (saliva wears it off) It really helped me and I hope it helps you!
Thank you to the person who suggested it!
I was in such agony last night from my back wisdom tooth, I couldn't sit still! I came online to look up ANYTHING to help me. I saw a couple of entries for Vanilla Extract, so thought what the hell! I ran to cupboard, scrambled to find it and I first poured a capful and swished it around my back tooth. Then I swabbed it with the extract to make sure it was ON tooth. All I can say is WOW. It cut my pain down about 80%! I took 3 ibuprofen too, and I was finally able to go to sleep and feel like I was in control again.
Thank you to those who write these remedies down. This was a life saver for me.
To ease pain from a toothache place either ground clove or pure food grade clove oil on the affected tooth. This has worked better than Vicodin to relieve pain from a toothache.
Undiluted clove oil through a tiny nozzled plastic syringe and take an anti-inflammatory/pain reliever.
Everyone was saying that vanilla or almond extract works, so I went to my cabinets and all I had was Pure Lemon Extract... It really worked wonders!! Just be careful because it burns. But it has 84% alcohol..... more than the other two, and it worked instantly!! Putting Goody Powders or BC's on a toothache also works, but only for a little while and it makes the inside of your mouth raw also if you use it too much
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